Nuget the Heart Banana in the Production of Breastfeeding and Better Performance Posyandu Cadres in the work area of Puskesmas Mekar Mukti

(1) Institut Medika Drg Suherman 

(2) Institut Medika Drg Suherman 

(3) Sarjana Gizi/ Sarjana/Institut Medika Drg Suherman 

Copyright (c) 2021 Armi Armi, Yana Setiawan
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Breast milk is best food for babies being easy to digest and containing the nutrients (corresponding the baby) for growth, immunity and prevent various diseases and to wit baby, safe and guaranteed sanitation to avoid of indigestion such as diarrhea, vomiting and forth.
The lack of coverage of the breastfeeding in the society can overcome by the provision of training to sub district primary health care cadres related food products that would improve the quality and quantity of breastfeeding. The banana is common in food consumption, optimal in the use of alternative. Needs to be developed to improve the other products from the heart of bananas, by processing nuget bananas into the shape of a heart.
Training to sub district primary health care cadres done by health workers, because cadres are a power governmental organizations that trained by the energy in order to help improve public health in the community. Hopefully this can return apply cadre training given to pregnant women and lactating women in their working area.
The outer covering of a planned in the event of the banana and video making heart nuget nuget banana heart. Activities through several stages, the licensing, FGD with key related activities, trial making nuget banana heart, training and making nuget heart on to the bananas.Keywords
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Copyright (c) 2021 Armi Armi, Yana Setiawan

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